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Anisha Rajapakse joins the FLA

The Fair Labour Alliance (FLA) is delighted to welcome Anisha Rajapakse as our new Director of Stakeholder Engagement. Anisha has 20...

The Importance of Failure

In this short article, James Sinclair reflects on the need for those of us striving for a more ethically centred form of global...

Legal Risks of Unethical Recruitment

The legal frameworks surrounding international migration for work have been transformed in the last 10 years. The ‘long arm of the law’...

The First Handshake

At the FLA we often stress the critical importance of ‘the first handshake’. By this we mean being the first link in the chain between a...

Know Your Agents…And Their Agents

Many companies that hire migrant workers rely on the fact that their labour agent is a licensed entity with a government licence to...

The Power Of Collective Action

A good way to combat the race-to-the-bottom in recruitment practices is for companies to work together, using their collective...

Introducing the Fair Labour Alliance

The Fair Labour Alliance We are delighted to announce the launch of the Fair Labour Alliance (FLA). The FLA is a new initiative that...

5 Reasons to Recruit More Ethically

Fair labour is fast becoming a major issue in the UAE, Middle East and Asia. Although the UAE’s total population is only 9.4million,...

Research: Blog2
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